Two members of Wolfram Research's development staff used
Mathematica to derive the mathematical content of this site.
Oleg Marichev holds two doctorates in mathematics. His first
dissertation, completed at the
Belarusian State University, Minsk, was titled "Tricomi's Boundary Value Problem for
Some Mixed Type Equations and Integral Equations with Special Functions in the Kernels."
His second dissertation, for an advanced doctorate from Friedrich-Schiller-Universität,
Jena, Germany, was titled "Functions of Hypergeometric Type and Some Applications to
Integral and Differential Equations." Marichev is the author or coauthor
of 70 papers and
eight books, including his Handbook of Integral Transforms of Higher Transcendental
Functions. He wrote the
five-volume series
Integrals and Series with A. P. Prudnikov and Yu. A. Brychkov. He
is also a coauthor with S. G. Samko and A. A. Kilbas of
Integrals and Derivatives of Fractional Order and Some of Their Applications, the
first complete monograph on the topic. Marichev joined Wolfram Research in
1991 and has
developed many of Mathematica's algorithms for the calculation of definite and
indefinite integrals and hypergeometric functions including Meijer G.
Michael Trott holds a PhD in theoretical solid state physics from the Technical
University of Ilmenau, Germany, and has been a staff member of Wolfram Research since 1994.
He is the author of the four-volume Mathematica GuideBook (Springer 2004) and more
than 30 technical papers.
Trott is also the creator of Graphica
1, a volume of Mathematica-generated graphics,
as well as a columnist for The
Mathematica Journal. He is widely regarded for his
encyclopedic knowledge of
mathematics and nearly every facet of the Mathematica system.
Stephen Wolfram, noted scientist and chief architect of the Mathematica system,
conceived this site and directed its development.