Recurrence plots Recurrence plot of over the  ‐plane. Bifurcation-related plots Nestings of the map starting with as a function of . The number of iterations increases from red (0) to blue (80). Nestings of the map starting with as a function of . The initial iterations are ignored. Iterations and powers in the complex plane The real part and the imaginary part of the scaled value of in the . The left graphic shows the real part and the right graphic shows the imaginary part. The real part and the imaginary part of the scaled value of in the . The left graphic shows the real part and the right graphic shows the imaginary part. Lattice sums The real part and the imaginary part of the lattice sum in the . The left graphic shows the real part and the right graphic shows the imaginary part. Because , one basically recovers the function (modulo a ‐independent factor). Fractals and Julia sets Mandelbrot set of the map over the . The coloring indicates the number of iterations before . Julia sets of the map over the .