





















Hypergeometric Functions
Definite integration
Generalization of classical Meijer's integral from two G functions
Main formulas


















Integrate[\[Tau]^(\[Alpha] - 1) MeijerG[{{Subscript[c, 1], \[Ellipsis],
Subscript[c, t]}, {Subscript[c, t + 1], \[Ellipsis],
Subscript[c, u]}}, {{Subscript[d, 1], \[Ellipsis], Subscript[d, s]},
{Subscript[d, s + 1], \[Ellipsis], Subscript[d, v]}}, \[Sigma] \[Tau]]
MeijerG[{{Subscript[a, 1], \[Ellipsis], Subscript[a, n]},
{Subscript[a, n + 1], \[Ellipsis], Subscript[a, p]}},
{{Subscript[b, 1], \[Ellipsis], Subscript[b, m]},
{Subscript[b, m + 1], \[Ellipsis], Subscript[b, q]}},
\[Omega] \[Tau]^r], {\[Tau], 0, Infinity}] ==
FoxH[{{{Subscript[a, 1], Subscript[A, 1]}, \[Ellipsis],
{Subscript[a, n], Subscript[A, n]}},
{{Subscript[a, n + 1], Subscript[A, n + 1]}, \[Ellipsis],
{Subscript[a, p], Subscript[A, p]}}},
{{{Subscript[b, 1], Subscript[B, 1]}, \[Ellipsis],
{Subscript[b, m], Subscript[B, m]}},
{{Subscript[b, m + 1], Subscript[B, m + 1]}, \[Ellipsis],
{Subscript[b, q], Subscript[B, q]}}}, \[Omega]/\[Sigma]^r]/
\[Sigma]^\[Alpha] /; r > 0













Cell[BoxData[RowBox[List[RowBox[List[RowBox[List[SubsuperscriptBox["\[Integral]", "0", "\[Infinity]"], RowBox[List[SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]", RowBox[List["\[Alpha]", "-", "1"]]], RowBox[List["MeijerG", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["c", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["c", "t"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["c", RowBox[List["t", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["c", "u"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["d", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["d", "s"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["d", RowBox[List["s", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["d", "v"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["\[Sigma]", " ", "\[Tau]"]]]], "]"]], RowBox[List["MeijerG", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["a", "n"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a", RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["a", "p"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["b", "m"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b", RowBox[List["m", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", SubscriptBox["b", "q"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["\[Omega]", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]", "r"]]]]], "]"]], RowBox[List["\[DifferentialD]", "\[Tau]"]]]]]], "\[Equal]", RowBox[List[SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", RowBox[List["-", "\[Alpha]"]]], RowBox[List["FoxH", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a", "1"], ",", SubscriptBox["A", "1"]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a", "n"], ",", SubscriptBox["A", "n"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a", RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], ",", SubscriptBox["A", RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a", "p"], ",", SubscriptBox["A", "p"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b", "1"], ",", SubscriptBox["B", "1"]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b", "m"], ",", SubscriptBox["B", "m"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b", RowBox[List["m", "+", "1"]]], ",", SubscriptBox["B", RowBox[List["m", "+", "1"]]]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b", "q"], ",", SubscriptBox["B", "q"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", FractionBox["\[Omega]", SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", "r"]]]], "]"]]]]]], "/;", RowBox[List["r", ">", "0"]]]]]]















<math xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' mathematica:form='TraditionalForm' xmlns:mathematica='http://www.wolfram.com/XML/'> <semantics> <mrow> <mrow> <mrow> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <msubsup> <mo> ∫ </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> <mi> ∞ </mi> </msubsup> </mstyle> <mrow> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <msup> <mi> τ </mi> <mrow> <mi> α </mi> <mo> - </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </msup> </mstyle> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtext fontweight='normal'> </mtext> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <mrow> <msubsup> <mi> G </mi> <mrow> <mi> u </mi> <mo> , </mo> <mi> v </mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> s </mi> <mo> , </mo> <mi> t </mi> </mrow> </msubsup> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mi> σ </mi> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mi> τ </mi> </mrow> <mo> ❘ </mo> <mrow> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> c </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> c </mi> <mn> 2 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> d </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> d </mi> <mn> 2 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <msub> <mi> c </mi> <mi> u </mi> </msub> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <msub> <mi> d </mi> <mi> v </mi> </msub> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </mrow> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> </mstyle> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <msubsup> <mi> G </mi> <mrow> <mi> p </mi> <mo> , </mo> <mi> q </mi> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> m </mi> <mo> , </mo> <mi> n </mi> </mrow> </msubsup> </mstyle> <mo fontweight='normal'> ( </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mi fontweight='normal'> ω </mi> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtext fontweight='normal'> </mtext> <msup> <mi fontweight='normal'> τ </mi> <mi> r </mi> </msup> </mrow> <mo fontweight='normal'> ❘ </mo> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <mrow> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> a </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> a </mi> <mn> 2 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> b </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <msub> <mi> b </mi> <mn> 2 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <msub> <mi> a </mi> <mi> p </mi> </msub> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <msub> <mi> b </mi> <mi> q </mi> </msub> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </mrow> </mstyle> </mrow> <mo fontweight='normal'> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <mrow> <mo> ⅆ </mo> <mi> τ </mi> </mrow> </mstyle> </mrow> </mrow> <mo> ⩵ </mo> <mrow> <msup> <mi fontweight='normal'> σ </mi> <mrow> <mo> - </mo> <mi> α </mi> </mrow> </msup> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <msubsup> <mi> H </mi> <mrow> <mrow> <mi> p </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> v </mi> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mrow> <mi> q </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> u </mi> </mrow> </mrow> <mrow> <mrow> <mi> m </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> t </mi> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> s </mi> </mrow> </mrow> </msubsup> </mstyle> <mo> ( </mo> <mstyle fontweight='normal'> <mrow> <mfrac> <mi> ω </mi> <msup> <mi> σ </mi> <mi> r </mi> </msup> </mfrac> <mo> ❘ </mo> <mrow> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> a </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> b </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> a </mi> <mi> n </mi> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> b </mi> <mi> m </mi> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mn> 1 </mn> <mo> - </mo> <mi> α </mi> <mo> - </mo> <msub> <mi> d </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mi> r </mi> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mn> 1 </mn> <mo> - </mo> <mi> α </mi> <mo> - </mo> <msub> <mi> c </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mi> r </mi> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mn> 1 </mn> <mo> - </mo> <mi> α </mi> <mo> - </mo> <msub> <mi> d </mi> <mi> v </mi> </msub> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mi> r </mi> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mn> 1 </mn> <mo> - </mo> <mi> α </mi> <mo> - </mo> <msub> <mi> c </mi> <mi> u </mi> </msub> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mi> r </mi> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> a </mi> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> b </mi> <mrow> <mi> m </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> a </mi> <mi> p </mi> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> , </mo> </mrow> </mtd> <mtd> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> b </mi> <mi> q </mi> </msub> <mo> , </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> </mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </mrow> </mrow> </mstyle> <mo fontweight='normal'> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo fontweight='normal'> . </mo> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> <mo fontweight='normal'> /; </mo> <mrow> <mi> r </mi> <mo> > </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> </mrow> </mrow> <annotation-xml encoding='MathML-Content'> <apply> <ci> FormBox </ci> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubsuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> ∫ </ms> <ms> 0 </ms> <ms> ∞ </ms> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> τ </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> α </ms> <ms> - </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubsuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> G </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> u </ms> <ms> , </ms> <ms> v </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> s </ms> <ms> , </ms> <ms> t </ms> </list> </apply> </apply> <ms> [ </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> σ </ms> <ms> τ </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ❘ </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> c </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> c </ms> <ms> 2 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> d </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> d </ms> <ms> 2 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> c </ms> <ms> u </ms> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> d </ms> <ms> v </ms> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> ] </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubsuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> G </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> p </ms> <ms> , </ms> <ms> q </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> m </ms> <ms> , </ms> <ms> n </ms> </list> </apply> </apply> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ω </ms> <apply> <ci> SuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> τ </ms> <ms> r </ms> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> ❘ </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> a </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> a </ms> <ms> 2 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> b </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> b </ms> <ms> 2 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> a </ms> <ms> p </ms> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> b </ms> <ms> q </ms> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ⅆτ </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> ⩵ </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> σ </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> - </ms> <ms> α </ms> </list> </apply> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubsuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> H </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> p </ms> <ms> + </ms> <ms> v </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> q </ms> <ms> + </ms> <ms> u </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> m </ms> <ms> + </ms> <ms> t </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> n </ms> <ms> + </ms> <ms> s </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> </apply> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> FractionBox </ci> <ms> ω </ms> <apply> <ci> SuperscriptBox </ci> <ms> σ </ms> <ms> r </ms> </apply> </apply> <ms> ❘ </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> a </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> b </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> a </ms> <ms> n </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> b </ms> <ms> m </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> 1 </ms> <ms> - </ms> <ms> α </ms> <ms> - </ms> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> d </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> r </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> 1 </ms> <ms> - </ms> <ms> α </ms> <ms> - </ms> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> c </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> r </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> 1 </ms> <ms> - </ms> <ms> α </ms> <ms> - </ms> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> d </ms> <ms> v </ms> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> r </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> 1 </ms> <ms> - </ms> <ms> α </ms> <ms> - </ms> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> c </ms> <ms> u </ms> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> r </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> a </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> n </ms> <ms> + </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> b </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> m </ms> <ms> + </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> GridBox </ci> <list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> a </ms> <ms> p </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> </list> <list> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> … </ms> <ms> , </ms> </list> </apply> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> ( </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <apply> <ci> SubscriptBox </ci> <ms> b </ms> <ms> q </ms> </apply> <ms> , </ms> <ms> 1 </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> ) </ms> </list> </apply> <ms> . </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> <ms> /; </ms> <apply> <ci> RowBox </ci> <list> <ms> r </ms> <ms> > </ms> <ms> 0 </ms> </list> </apply> </list> </apply> <ci> TraditionalForm </ci> </apply> </annotation-xml> </semantics> </math>





| | 
| Cell[BoxData[RowBox[List[RowBox[List["HoldPattern", "[", RowBox[List[SubsuperscriptBox["\[Integral]", "0", "\[Infinity]"], RowBox[List[RowBox[List[SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]_", RowBox[List["\[Alpha]_", "-", "1"]]], " ", RowBox[List["MeijerG", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["c_", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["c_", "t_"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["c_", RowBox[List["t_", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["c_", "u_"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["d_", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["d_", "s_"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["d_", RowBox[List["s_", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["d_", "v_"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["\[Sigma]_", " ", "\[Tau]_"]]]], "]"]], " ", RowBox[List["MeijerG", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a_", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["a_", "n_"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a_", RowBox[List["n_", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["a_", "p_"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b_", "1"], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["b_", "m_"]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b_", RowBox[List["m_", "+", "1"]]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]_", ",", SubscriptBox["b_", "q_"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["\[Omega]_", " ", SuperscriptBox["\[Tau]_", "r_"]]]]], "]"]]]], RowBox[List["\[DifferentialD]", "\[Tau]_"]]]]]], "]"]], "\[RuleDelayed]", RowBox[List[RowBox[List[SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", RowBox[List["-", "\[Alpha]"]]], " ", RowBox[List["FoxH", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["aa", "1"], ",", SubscriptBox["A", "1"]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["aa", "n"], ",", SubscriptBox["A", "n"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["a", RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], ",", SubscriptBox["A", RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["aa", "p"], ",", SubscriptBox["A", "p"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["bb", "1"], ",", SubscriptBox["B", "1"]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["bb", "m"], ",", SubscriptBox["B", "m"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["b", RowBox[List["m", "+", "1"]]], ",", SubscriptBox["B", RowBox[List["m", "+", "1"]]]]], "}"]], ",", "\[Ellipsis]", ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["bb", "q"], ",", SubscriptBox["B", "q"]]], "}"]]]], "}"]]]], "}"]], ",", FractionBox["\[Omega]", SuperscriptBox["\[Sigma]", "r"]]]], "]"]]]], "/;", RowBox[List["r", ">", "0"]]]]]]]] |




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MeijerG[{{a1,...,an},{an+1,...,ap}},{{b1,...,bm},{bm+1,...,bq}},z,r] | |