Rounding and Congruence Functions |
| | Floor[z] (129 formulas) |
| | Ceiling[z] (107 formulas) |
| | Round[z] (106 formulas) |
| | IntegerPart[z] (114 formulas) |
| | FractionalPart[z] (118 formulas) |
| | Mod[m,n] (139 formulas) |
| | Quotient[m,n] (136 formulas) |
GCD and LCM |
| | GCD[n1,n2,...,nm] (67 formulas) |
| | ExtendedGCD[n1,n2,...,nm] (30 formulas) |
| | LCM[n1,n2,...,nm] (52 formulas) |
Fibonaci and Lucas Numbers |
| | Fibonacci[nu] (178 formulas) |
| | LucasL[nu] (113 formulas) |
Euler and Bernoulli Numbers |
| | EulerE[n] (52 formulas) |
| | BernoulliB[n] (103 formulas) |
Stirling and Bell Numbers |
| | StirlingS1[n,m] (92 formulas) |
| | StirlingS2[n,m] (109 formulas) |
| | BellB[n] (38 formulas) |
Partitions |
| | PartitionsP[n] (78 formulas) |
| | PartitionsQ[n] (68 formulas) |
Tensorial Functions |
| | DiscreteDelta[n] (20 formulas) |
| | DiscreteDelta[n1,n2,...] (31 formulas) |
| | KroneckerDelta[n] (18 formulas) |
| | KroneckerDelta[n1,n2,...] (38 formulas) |
| | Signature[{n1,n2,...,nd}] (30 formulas) |