Involving product of powers of two direct functions and exponential function
Involving eb zcosmu(c z) cosv(a z)
Involving ep zcosm(c z) cosv(a z+b)
Involving ep zcosmu(c z+d) cosv(a z+b)
Involving ep zrcosm(b z)cosv(c z)
Involving ep zcosm(b zr)cosv(c z)
Involving ep zrcosm(b zr)cosv(c z)
Involving ep z cosm(b zr)cosv(c zr)
Involving ep zr cosm(b zr)cosv(c zr)
Involving eb zr+e cosm(a zr+q) cosv(c zr+g)
Involving eb zr+d z+e cosm(a zr+p z+q) cosv(c zr+f z+g)