Representations through more general functions
Through hypergeometric functions
Involving 1F1
Involving 1F~1
Involving pFq
Involving pFq
Through Meijer G
Classical cases involving exp
Classical cases involving cosh
Classical cases involving sinh
Classical cases for products of WhittakerM M
Classical cases involving exp and 1F1
Classical cases involving exp and 1F~1
Classical cases involving exp and hypergeometric U
Classical cases involving exp and Laguerre L
Classical cases involving Whittaker W
Generalized cases involving exp
Generalized cases for products of WhittakerM M
Generalized cases involving exp and 1F1
Generalized cases involving exp and 1F~1
Generalized cases involving exp and hypergeometric U
Generalized cases involving exp and Laguerre L
Generalized cases involving Whittaker W