The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and have the following values at zero and infinity:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and with integer argument can be represented by the following formulas:
For the cases of integer arguments , the values of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and can be described by the following table:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and are entire analytical functions of that are defined over the whole complex -plane:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and do not have periodicity.
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and generically do not have parity, but they have mirror symmetry:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and have only the singular point . It is an essential singular point.
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and do not have branch points and branch cuts over the complex -plane.
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and have the following series expansions (which converge in the whole complex -plane):
The asymptotic behavior of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and is described by the following formulas:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and for integer nonnegative can be represented through the following sums involving binomials:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and have the following integral representations on the real axis:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and can be represented as the coefficients of the series of the corresponding generating functions:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and satisfy numerous addition formulas:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and satisfy numerous identities, for example the following multiple argument formulas:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and satisfy numerous identities for products and powers:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and are solutions of the following simple difference equation with constant coefficients:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and satisfy numerous recurrence identities:
Other identities for Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and are just functional identities:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and have the following complex characteristics for complex arguments:
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and have the following representations for derivatives of the first and orders or the arbitrary fractional order :
The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and satisfy the following third-order linear differential equation:
where , , and are arbitrary constants.
Some indefinite integrals for Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and can be evaluated as follows:
Laplace transforms of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and can be represented by the following formulas:
There exist many formulas for finite summation of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, for example:
Here are some corresponding infinite sums:
And here are some multiple sums:
Some formulas including limit operations with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and take on symmetrical forms:
The Fibonacci numbers can be obtained from the evaluation of some determinates, for example: