Logical operators and conditions
Logical " and ".
Logical " or ".
The logical negation of .
The universal quantor "for all".
The existential quantor "exists".
Relation holds under the condition . (Returns if condition is satisfied.)
The expression is mathematically identical to . (Returns True if and are identical.)
The expression is mathematically different from . (Returns True if and are different.)
The real number is greater than the real number . (Yields True if is determined to be greater to .)
The real number is greater than or equal to . (Yields True if is determined to be greater than or equal to .)
The real number is less than the real number . (Yields True if is determined to be less than .)
The real number is less than or equal to the real number . (Yields True if is determined to be less than or equal to .)
The sequence of values leads to a nonterminating hypergeometric series.