Cell[BoxData[RowBox[List[RowBox[List[RowBox[List["StieltjesGamma", "[", "n", "]"]], "\[Equal]", RowBox[List[SuperscriptBox[RowBox[List["(", RowBox[List["-", "1"]], ")"]], RowBox[List["(", "n", ")"]]], RowBox[List[RowBox[List["(", " ", "n", ")"]], "!"]], RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", "0"], "=", "1"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", "1"], "=", "1"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List["\[Ellipsis]", RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], "=", "1"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List["(", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["KroneckerDelta", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]], ",", RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List["j", "=", "0"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List[RowBox[List["(", RowBox[List["1", "+", "j"]], ")"]], SubscriptBox["k", "j"]]]]]]], "]"]], RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Product]", RowBox[List["j", "=", "0"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List[FractionBox["1", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", "j"], "!"]]], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[List["(", RowBox[List["-", FractionBox[SubscriptBox["\[Eta]", "j"], RowBox[List["j", "+", "1"]]]]], ")"]], SubscriptBox["k", "j"]]]]]]]], ")"]]]]]]]]]]]]]], "/;", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["n", "\[Element]", "Integers"]], "\[And]", RowBox[List["n", "\[GreaterEqual]", "0"]], "\[And]", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["\[Eta]", "n"], "\[Equal]", RowBox[List["SeriesTerm", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List[RowBox[List["-", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["Zeta", "'"]], "[", RowBox[List["1", "+", "s"]], "]"]]]], "/", RowBox[List["Zeta", "[", RowBox[List["1", "+", "s"]], "]"]]]], ",", " ", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List["s", ",", "0", ",", "n"]], "}"]]]], "]"]]]]]]]]]]
<math xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML' mathematica:form='TraditionalForm' xmlns:mathematica='http://www.wolfram.com/XML/'> <semantics> <mrow> <mrow> <msub> <semantics> <mi> γ </mi> <annotation encoding='Mathematica'> TagBox["\[Gamma]", StieltjesGamma] </annotation> </semantics> <mi> n </mi> </msub> <mo> ⩵ </mo> <mrow> <msup> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mo> - </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mi> n </mi> </msup> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> ! </mo> </mrow> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mn> 0 </mn> </msub> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </msub> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <msub> <semantics> <mi> δ </mi> <annotation-xml encoding='MathML-Content'> <ci> KroneckerDelta </ci> </annotation-xml> </semantics> <mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </msub> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∏ </mo> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mfrac> <msup> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mo> - </mo> <mfrac> <msub> <mi> η </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> </msup> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> <mo> ! </mo> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> <mo> /; </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> ∈ </mo> <msup> <mi> ℕ </mi> <mo> + </mo> </msup> </mrow> <mo> ∧ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> η </mi> <mi> n </mi> </msub> <mo> ⩵ </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> [ </mo> <msup> <mi> s </mi> <mi> n </mi> </msup> <mo> ] </mo> </mrow> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mo> - </mo> <mfrac> <mrow> <msup> <mi> ζ </mi> <mo> ′ </mo> </msup> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mi> s </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <semantics> <mrow> <mi> ζ </mi> <mo> ⁡ </mo> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mi> s </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <annotation encoding='Mathematica'> TagBox[RowBox[List["\[Zeta]", "(", TagBox[RowBox[List["s", "+", "1"]], Zeta, Rule[Editable, True]], ")"]], InterpretTemplate[Function[BoxForm`e$, Zeta[BoxForm`e$]]]] </annotation> </semantics> </mfrac> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> <annotation-xml encoding='MathML-Content'> <mrow> <mrow> <msub> <semantics> <mi> γ </mi> <annotation encoding='Mathematica'> TagBox["\[Gamma]", StieltjesGamma] </annotation> </semantics> <mi> n </mi> </msub> <mo> ⩵ </mo> <mrow> <msup> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mo> - </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mi> n </mi> </msup> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> ! </mo> </mrow> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mn> 0 </mn> </msub> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mn> 1 </mn> </msub> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <mo> … </mo> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </msub> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <msub> <semantics> <mi> δ </mi> <annotation-xml encoding='MathML-Content'> <ci> KroneckerDelta </ci> </annotation-xml> </semantics> <mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> , </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∑ </mo> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </msub> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <munderover> <mo> ∏ </mo> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> = </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </munderover> <mfrac> <msup> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mo> - </mo> <mfrac> <msub> <mi> η </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> <mrow> <mi> j </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> </msup> <mrow> <msub> <mi> k </mi> <mi> j </mi> </msub> <mo> ! </mo> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> <mo> /; </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> <mo> ∈ </mo> <msup> <mi> ℕ </mi> <mo> + </mo> </msup> </mrow> <mo> ∧ </mo> <mrow> <msub> <mi> η </mi> <mi> n </mi> </msub> <mo> ⩵ </mo> <mrow> <mrow> <mo> [ </mo> <msup> <mi> s </mi> <mi> n </mi> </msup> <mo> ] </mo> </mrow> <mo> ⁢ </mo> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mo> - </mo> <mfrac> <mrow> <msup> <mi> ζ </mi> <mo> ′ </mo> </msup> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mi> s </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <semantics> <mrow> <mi> ζ </mi> <mo> ⁡ </mo> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mi> s </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> <annotation encoding='Mathematica'> TagBox[RowBox[List["\[Zeta]", "(", TagBox[RowBox[List["s", "+", "1"]], Zeta, Rule[Editable, True]], ")"]], InterpretTemplate[Function[BoxForm`e$, Zeta[BoxForm`e$]]]] </annotation> </semantics> </mfrac> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </mrow> </annotation-xml> </semantics> </math>
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| Cell[BoxData[RowBox[List[RowBox[List["HoldPattern", "[", RowBox[List["StieltjesGamma", "[", "n_", "]"]], "]"]], "\[RuleDelayed]", RowBox[List[RowBox[List[SuperscriptBox[RowBox[List["(", RowBox[List["-", "1"]], ")"]], "n"], " ", RowBox[List["n", "!"]], " ", RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", "0"], "=", "1"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", "1"], "=", "1"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List["\[Ellipsis]", " ", RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], "=", "1"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List[RowBox[List["KroneckerDelta", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]], ",", RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Sum]", RowBox[List["j", "=", "0"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], RowBox[List[RowBox[List["(", RowBox[List["1", "+", "j"]], ")"]], " ", SubscriptBox["k", "j"]]]]]]], "]"]], " ", RowBox[List[UnderoverscriptBox["\[Product]", RowBox[List["j", "=", "0"]], RowBox[List["n", "+", "1"]]], FractionBox[SuperscriptBox[RowBox[List["(", RowBox[List["-", FractionBox[SubscriptBox["\[Eta]", "j"], RowBox[List["j", "+", "1"]]]]], ")"]], SubscriptBox["k", "j"]], RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["k", "j"], "!"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], "/;", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["n", "\[Element]", "Integers"]], "&&", RowBox[List["n", "\[GreaterEqual]", "0"]], "&&", RowBox[List[SubscriptBox["\[Eta]", "n"], "\[Equal]", RowBox[List["SeriesTerm", "[", RowBox[List[RowBox[List["-", FractionBox[RowBox[List[SuperscriptBox["Zeta", "\[Prime]", Rule[MultilineFunction, None]], "[", RowBox[List["1", "+", "s"]], "]"]], RowBox[List["Zeta", "[", RowBox[List["1", "+", "s"]], "]"]]]]], ",", RowBox[List["{", RowBox[List["s", ",", "0", ",", "n"]], "}"]]]], "]"]]]]]]]]]]]] |
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| K. Maslanka, "An Explicit Formula Relating Stieltjes Numbers and Li's Numbers", math.NT/0406312, |
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Date Added to functions.wolfram.com (modification date)
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