Involving one direct function and elementary functions
Involving power function
Involving power
Involving znand linear arguments
Involving exponential function
Involving exp
Involving ab z
Involving exponential function and a power function
Involving exp and power
Involving zn eb z
Arguments involving inverse trigonometric functions
Involving sin-1
Involving cos-1
Involving tan-1
Involving cot-1
Involving csc-1
Involving sec-1
Arguments involving inverse hyperbolic functions
Involving sinh-1
Involving cosh-1
Involving trigonometric functions
Involving sin
Involving sin(b z)
Involving power of sin
Involving sinmu(b z)
Involving rational functions of sin
Involving (a+b sin(c z))-n
Involving algebraic functions of sin
Involving (a+b sin(c z))beta
Involving cos
Involving cos(b z)
Involving power of cos
Involving cosmu(b z)
Involving rational functions of cos
Involving (a+b cos(c z))-n
Involving algebraic functions of cos
Involving (a+b cos(c z))beta
Involving (a+b cos(2c z))beta
Involving cos(c z)(a+b cos(2c z))beta
Involving cos(2c z)(a+b cos(2c z))beta
Involving tan
Involving tan(c z)
Involving power of tan
Involving tanmu(c z)
Involving sin and cos
Involving sin(c z)(a+b cos(2c z))beta
Other integrals
Involving trigonometric and a power functions
Involving sin and power
Involving zn sin(a+b z) cot( c z)
Involving powers of sin and power
Involving zn sihm(b z) cot(c z)
Involving cos and power
Involving zncos(a+b z) cot( c z)
Involving powers of cos and power
Involving zncosm(b z) cot(c z)
Involving trigonometric and exponential functions
Involving sin and exp
Involving ep z sin(b z)
Involving powers of sin and exp
Involving ep z sinm(b z)
Involving cos and exp
Involving ep zcos(b z)
Involving powers of cos and exp
Involving ep z cosm(b z)
Involving trigonometric, exponential and a power functions
Involving sin, exp and power
Involving zn ep z sin(a+b z) cot( c z)
Involving powers of sin, exp and power
Involving zn ep z sinm(b z) cot(c z)
Involving cos, exp and power
Involving zn ep zcos(a+b z) cot( c z)
Involving powers of cos, exp and power
Involving zn ep zcosm(b z) cot(c z)