Involving hyperbolic functions
Involving sinh
Involving sinh(b z)
Involving power of sinh
Involving sinhmu(b z)
Involving rational functions of sinh
Involving 1/a+b sinh(d z)
Involving algebraic functions of sinh
Involving (a+b sinh(c z))beta
Involving cosh
Involving cosh(b z)
Involving power of cosh
Involving coshmu(b z)
Involving rational functions of cosh
Involving 1/a+b cosh(d z)
Involving algebraic functions of cosh
Involving (a+b cosh(c z))beta
Involving (a+b cosh(2c z))beta
Involving tanh
Involving tanh(c z)
Involving power of tanh
Involving tanhmu(c z)
Involving coth
Involving coth(c z)
Involving power of coth
Involving cothmu(c z)
Involving csch
Involving csch(c z)
Involving power of csch
Involving cschmu(c z)
Involving sinh and cosh
Involving rational functions of sinh and tanh
Involving algebraic functions of cosh and tanh
Involving cosh and coth
Involving algebraic functions of cosh and csch